Commercial property owners use cost segregation studies to identify and reclassify personal property assets to shorten the depreciation time for taxation purposes thus reducing current income tax obligations.
The Research and Development Tax Credit enacted in 1981 to encourage American investment in innovation. Manufacturers and other technical based operations often qualify for lucrative tax credits based on qualified activities.
A comprehensive property tax review provides a fair and equitable assessment of asset value with the potential to decrease companies expense and create immediate cash flow for commercial property owners / real estate investors.
Our Credit Card Processing Audit focuses solely on expense reduction within the payments industry. Our expertise and experience, coupled with our thorough expense reduction process ensures a competitive advantage over other firms advertising similar services.
We help reduce a business’ wireless expense and audit the bills going forward for 24 months, saving the client both time and money without making changes to their phones, numbers or carrier.
We help small business off load the burden of accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and basic administration. We not only do it efficiently, we often do a better job than busy in house staff and we deliver daily reporting with easy to read dashboards.